TKT 4196

Online Course Material

View the Project on GitHub jochenkohler/TKT4196_material

Information about the course

Autumn 2021 semester

The main language of the course will be English. The lectures will be given in English and the written material and suggested literature is in English. The lecturer masters Norwegian to some degree and the students are very welcome to ask questions and start discussion in Norwegian.

Timing and location

Day Time Room
Monday 10:15-12:00 R10
Monday 12:15-14:00 Landmålerhallen
Friday 08:15-10:00 Landmålerhallen

Compulsory problem tasks

Three exercises must be delivered and accepted in order to be allowed to take the exam. The exercises will be graded and the cumulative grade counts 1/3 to the final character. Solutions will be published and presented during exercise classes.
The problem tasks will be solved and documented in groups by 3-5 students.


The exam time and place will be announced in due time. It will be an oral exam with a duration of approximately 30 minutes. The exam is normally held in norwegian but english is also possible, of course. The grade counts 2/3 to the final character.

[] December 2021

Literature and standards

The lecture comprises a compendium that is distributed electronically alongside the lectures and exercises (via Blackboard). Advice will be given on required and further reading.

Topic References
Reliability Basic [1] Schneider J., 2006. Introduction to safety and reliability of structures. [Zürich] International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering. [ebook at NTNU Library]
Reliability [2] Melchers R. E., 1998. Structural Reliability Analysis and Prediction. Wiley. Structural Codes
[3] Gulvanessian, H; Formichi, P; Calgaro, J. A 2009. Designers’ guide to Eurocode 1 : EN 1991-1-1 and -1-3 to -1-7, Actions on buildings / H. Gulvanessian, P. Formichi and J.-A. Calgaro [ebook at NTNU Library]
[3] Standard – EN 1990, Eurocode: Basis of structural design [via Standard Norge at NTNU Library]
[4] Standard – EN 1991, Eurocode 1: Actions on structures [via Standard Norge at NTNU Library]
Uncertainty Modelling [5] Benjamin, J. R. and C. A. Cornell (1970). Probability, Statistics and Decision for Civil Engineers.